
16 agosto 2007

Mr. Roach, Max: is dead

Do you remember:
Estamos volviendo a ser agoreros ?
Hay una suerte de "Casandrismo" en este ya, manido blog ?
Sorry Dears, Max Roach tambien ces´t mort !!!!
A los 83 Años, este hombre que "rewrote the rules of drumming in the 1940’s and spent the rest of his career breaking musical barriers and defying listeners’ expectations ". New York Times said. ....
Unha mágoa, ainda tiña moito que decir....
A Madriña o teña no seu regazo

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

tony wilson too

Anónimo dijo...

Tony Wilson ? "the British television reporter who became one of the most influential figures in postpunk music with his Factory Records label "?
Entre las lecturas veraniegas recomendadas : el obituario del New york Times(http://www.nytimes.com/pages/obituaries/index.html)
Welcome My Rael ...to the machine !!!